Fire Protection For Out of District Residents
Out of District Contracts are now payable online!
Contracts are mailed directly to the address on file with Adams County, if you are eager to pay your contract and have not recieved your notice, please call 208-315-7066 or email
If you received your fire protection contract and would like to pay online, feel free to pay below.
Contract fees are based on the same levy rate (.000473862) that McCall Fire District Constinuents pay.
What do you mean "Out of District?"
If your property is located in an unprotected portion of Adams County. Meaning it is located outside of the Meadows Valley Fire Protection District as well as outside of the McCall Fire Protection District. The McCall Fire Protection District is interested in contracting with you to provide fire suppression services.
The McCall Fire Protection District is able to provide fire protection services to you as provided by Idaho Code Section 31-1431.
For details, see the contract sent to you or reach out to:
Phone: 208-315-7066
*The amount owed is located on the letter you recieved in the mail. Each property has an individualized fee.
Contract fees are based on the same levy rate (.000473862) that McCall Fire District Constinuents pay.*
Questions? Call: 208-315-7066